I've been meaning to tell you all about my fall at the gym. When I say fall I mean I fell flat on my booty. It was the slowest fall in my life. I swear I could have read War in Peace in the time that it took me to fall. It was slow motion at it's finest. My trainer wasn't doing anything very difficult, but I over thought it. I was thinking about everything that could happen, would happen, how to so it correctly and everything else. It was horrible.
So when I fell all I really wanted to do was sit there and say I am done. I'm going home. That hurt. I am DONE for the day. BUT....I didn't do that. Sure it hurt a little. I am a big girl and I fell off a stool and my big old booty and slammed my ankle into the ground. It would have been easy to give up. Instead I got up and went right back at it. Of course we decided no more stool for teh day, but I kept at it and got a great workout.
When Iw as done with my training session I kept thinking how easy it would have been to give up. After all that is what I have done in the past. Of course this time I didn't do this. I got up and kept going. So if you fall figurtivly or literally just get back up. You can do this, just like I am doing it.
Good job! :)