Monday, April 25, 2011

Cleaning Plates

I was talking to a friend about habits I am trying to change. One of the biggest is cleaning my kids plate. You know what I am talking about. When there are 2 fries left on the plate it needs to go in the trash not my mouth. Or they didn't touch their chicken at all. You don't want to waste it so you eat it. Never mind you already ate your 4 oz of chicken and all the sides already.

Another thing is when you get your kids a snack. Even though they are kids snacks you can't stop yourself from taking that one little bit to taste it. No more doing that!!!! I know it looks good, but stop. I am so guilty of this of course. Even things I know I don't like because it is a snack I pop it right in my mouth. I always regret it later yet I still do it.

So I think it is time that we say no more cleaning the kids plates. Now after they eat and I have looked at the plates and decided they tried enough of their ood I make the kids put the rest in the trash and rinse off their plates. My 2 year old is even doing this. So no more cleaning the kids plates for me. Now to just work on that snack thing....

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I know I am losing weight and looking better in my clothes. I just can't see it. When you are as big as I am it is hard to see weightloss until you lose large amounts. So I had my trainer weigh me, tape me, and pinch me. I was so shocked to see the numbers. I have lost 26lbs since my husband left for his deployments Feb 28th! Not too shabby at all. I am down 4% body fat! I lost 8 inches in my waist, 6 inches in my shoulders 5 inches in my hips, and a bunch more inches in other areas of my body! I was shocked when my trainer read off my numbers. I couldn't believe it. I knew I was working hard and was getting results, but I couldn't see the results. Now I have hard numbers and I am feeling great.

For a reward ( I really think it was punishment, lol) my trainer gave me an extra hard workout. Boy am I feeling it this morning. My shoulders and arms are killing me. I thought he would take it easy on me after the great numbers, but I was wrong. He pushed me extra hard and looks forward to more results just like I do.

Having a trainer is expensive, but in the end it has been so worth it. He is pushing me in ways I wouldn't have done myself. I would have been intimidated by all the guys using the weights. I would have skipped those everytime, but not with the trainer. He gets me going and now I get to see the results.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fitting in clothes

Before my husband left for deployment I bought this really cute black and white shirt. Well I never tried it on at the store because it was my size and I hate getting undressed in public. So I got it home and tried it on. Well guess what? Your right it didn't fit me. I was so mad. I looked horrible and it was so tight on me that I couldn't breath. Of course it was too cute take back, plus my toddler had already pulled the tag off. So I put it in the closet hoping I would lose weight to be able to fit in it.

Well today I was trying to figure out what to wear. I am doing childcare for the services of a  Marine who lost his life. Well I don't want to go in my cargo pants and tshirt because I feel it would be disrespectful. Of course I also didn't want to dress too formal with working with kids. So I go in the closet and try on this shirt. I was sure it wouldn't fit. After all it was six weeks ago I could barely pull it over my chest. Well low and behold the shirt fits!!!!

I am so excited to be seeing the results. I am glad my clothes are getting a little looser. I still have a LONG way to go, but I am making progress.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Falling on my butt (literally) and getting back up

I've been meaning to tell you all about my fall at the gym. When I say fall I mean I fell flat on my booty. It was the slowest fall in my life. I swear I could have read War in Peace in the time that it took me to fall. It was slow motion at it's finest. My trainer wasn't doing anything very difficult, but I over thought it. I was thinking about everything that could happen, would happen, how to so it correctly and everything else. It was horrible.

So when I fell all I really wanted to do was sit there and say I am done. I'm going home. That hurt. I am DONE for the day. BUT....I didn't do that. Sure it hurt a little. I am a big girl and I fell off a stool and my big old booty and slammed my ankle into the ground. It would have been easy to give up. Instead I got up and went right back at it. Of course we decided no more stool for teh day, but I kept at it and got a great workout.

When Iw as done with my training session I kept thinking how easy it would have been to give up. After all that is what I have done in the past. Of course this time I didn't do this. I got up and kept going. So if you fall figurtivly or literally just get back up. You can do this, just like I am doing it.