I was watching the Biggest Loser the other night and was both inspired and sad. All those parents giving up so much for their kids. Of course this is reality. I got the way I am partly because I have given up so much for my kids. Pre kids I was an athlete, gym nut, and all around outgoing person. Now with children I put their priorities before my own. Why do we do this? My only answer is LOVE.
I love my kids so I want to put them first. Of course in the process of doing this we really aren't taking care of our kids properly. When we are overweight and grumpy then we can not care or love our kids to our full potential. I have a hard time doing physical things with my kids and they want to do these things with me. I am embarressed to go to the beach and my kids want to go to the beach. So in the process of putting our kids first we may really be putting them last.
So parents it is okay for us to put our kids first sometimes, but sometimes we have to put ourselves first. The happier and healthier we are the happy and healthier our kids will be. If we don't want to pass our bad habits onto our kids then it is time to put us first. The best thing my daughter said to me recently is "Mom I am so glad you are taking us for more walks and letting us ride our bikes more." This made me happy and sad at the same time. I had been taking things my kids enjoy away from them without even noticing it. Of course now I am making a change.
So ladies, and men too get up and get moving and take your life back. This is how we will be putting our kids first, by first putting ourselves first. The happier healthier we are the happy healthier our kids will be!
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